SC LIAMED SRL is a company with Romanian capital, having as main activity the import, sale and servicing of medical devices and veterinary medicine.


Address Bd. Grivitei nr. A8, Brasov-500182, Romania
Tel / Fax 0268 327 490
Mobil 0744 306 554
Unique Cod of Registration 10188824
Fiscal Attribute RO
Registration No. J08/106/1998
Account RO13BTRLRONCRT0305294701 - Transilvania Brasov


Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile!

Some of the best stories start from a great idea and perseverance. The story of LIAMED can be tracked down in 1999 with a handful of highly ambitious people who had many plans.
Step by step we have created what today you know as the image for qualitative medical devices at accessible prices.
This year, we celebrated 21 years of activity and we would like to thank you for believing in us, for standing by our side, and most importantly, for sharing the same dream of making the world a better place.
During this time we promised you development and that we would always be the best for you.
However, change comes from inside, and within the context of this anniversary we have inaugurated a new wing of the headquarters intended for relaxing and well-being.
We are waiting for you to take part into our family and we take full responsibility of rewarding you with the same quality and appropriate events.


  • Customer satisfaction through competitive prices, quality and timeliness of services.
  • Maintaining the Quality Management System, ISO 9001:2000.
  • Extending the range of products and services.
  • Extending our activities in different areas of the country by employing local representatives.



We have introduced a new range of products for postural analysis and heel manufacturing
From 2019, LIAMED has a Sterilization Department


LIAMED participated in over 70 scientific events. In the context of 100 years from the Great Union of Romania, we organized special workshops at LIAMED headquarters.


The Showroom has always played an important role in our company, so this year LIAMED has expanded the showroom.
LIAMED Table Tennis Cup and the LIAMED musical band.


New cars and IT equipment were purchased.
Monthly, we organize at the LIAMED headquarters workshops on various topics and domains. In this respect, we have invited companies that produce medical devices, internationally acknowledged professors. Over 700 physicians attended these lectures and seminars.


Relaxing & Fitness room for the employees
Bus and new cars acquisition
Building extending and facelift
Considerable increase (90%)of turnover


LIAMED is 15 years old and a starts a new Project: The Open Doors Trimester.
This started with a lecture on veterinary cardiology with paticipants from all over the country. Therefore the purpose of the project was established to organize various lectures on various domains. So we had: Plasmolifting, Doppler echography etc. The large number of participants determined us to continue on other fields: Neurology and Plasmolifting-gynaechology
LIAMED Catalogue 2014


Marketing, leadership and sales trainings from Brightway Company for the entire LIAMED team. A program in collaboration with the Transilvania University
through which students from Bioengineering are encouraged to come to our headquarters for practice and documentation.


The conference room and the sales representatives’ offices have been rearranged. Sales representatives have attended training courses in Korea – BIONET, Poland – ASTAR, Slovakia – MEDIPROGRESS.


Construction of private parking lot. An additional number of 5 cars have been bought for the company. Sales representatives have attended training courses in Germany, Austria and Korea.


LIAMED moves to a new, bigger headquartes. The team now has 21 members.


LIAMED moves to a new headquarters. The team now has 19 members. In 2009 LIAMED celebrates 10 years of successful activity. The ASTAR Company has held a training course for our company.


New cars and new IT equipment were purchased. LIAMED has, again, new qualified members: Medical bioengineers and physicists.


The field of activity of the company now includes Echography and Osteodensitometry. New cars and new IT equipment are purchased. The methods of promoting the devices have improved, now including Internet Marketing.


SC LIAMED SRL receives authorization for new products in the domains of Physiotherapy, Thermography, Mini-invasive Endoscopy, Fetal and Patient monitoring.
Employed extra personnel specialized in medical devices. 
Also, the company has new members specialized in medical devices.


Certification of The Quality Management System of SC LIAMED SRL, according to ISO 9001:2000 for the following fields of activity: Import, trading and maintenance of medical devices.
SC LIAMED SRL has a new and modern headquarters, provided with the latest technology. Its location allows easy access of all its visitors. The cars purchased allow the fast delivering of the products to the clients.
An Intranet and Internet System is employed in order to organize and supervise the company’s activities.


Two new areas are covered by the company: Neurology (electroencephalographs, electroneuromiograph, electroretinograph) and thermography (thermograph). LIAMED becomes an active promoter of methods of thermo vision diagnosis, becoming the supporter of The Romanian Society of Thermography.


The company starts the import and commercialization of new devices, computerized electrocardiographs and dopplers.


The company widens its field of activity with importing and trading of devices (mainly ultrasound). The company participates, for the first time, in the ROMMEDICA exhibition of medical devices. It has a remarkable success and, in this moment, the company made its first step towards a strategic marketing.


Establishment of the company. Main activities: Trading and servicing of medical devices.


 Certification of the Quality Management System for SC LIAMED SRL according to ISO: 9001:2015 for the following activities:
„Import, trading and servicing of medical devices”


  • First participation in the Medical Equipment Exhibition – ROMMEDICA 2001

  • Permanent participation in medical exhibitions organized by the Chambers of Commerce from Bucharest, Iasi, Timisoara, Cluj, Arad, Brasov.

  • SC LIAMED SRL becomes the main sponsor and member in many medical events, organized by the Medical Societies from Romania.


  The favorable positioning of the company in the center of the country, our dynamic team and our fleet allow the fast intervention in all the counties of Romania.


  • Medical Centers
  • Hospitals
  • Dispensaries
  • Private practices


  • The competition in the domain of medical devices is a reality and it is seen by the LIAMED team as a means of motivation to be better, faster and to offer lower prices than other companies available on the market.